How to modify generic pay types in the What shows were sold report

(Last updated on: November 23, 2015)

The standard report has generic pay types (ie. pay type 1, 2, etc.) but you can modify them and create a custom report with specific pay types.

  • Go to Reports | by Day | What shows were sold.
  • Choose Custom ticket format – With Pay Types.frx

what shows were sold

  • Click on Modify and the Report Designer window will display:

with pay types

  • Where you see Abbreviation | Tix | Sale | Pay1 | Pay2, etc, double-click on Pay 1. This will take you to the General tab.

label properties

  • On the General tab in the Expression box, you will see Pay1.  Replace Pay1 with cash or whatever pay type you wish you have assigned in the Wintix paytype menu.
  • Repeat the steps above to replace pay2, pay3, etc.

NOTE: Only change the Pay1, Pay2, etc. on the line where Abbreviation, Tix, Sale are.  Do not change any of the other pay1, pay2 labels that you see.


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