Print the house

(Last updated on: October 28, 2015)

Do you need to print the entire house? For example you may have a show at an off-site location.

  • Go to Tools | Ticket printing | Print the house.
  • A screen Printing tickets for a plan will come up.


  • Choose the “House” you wish to print.
  • Click on the Ticket text tab and enter your show information, etc.

ticket text

  • To have the tickets numbered sequentially, you can add the Field tixnum to your ticket format by clicking on File | Ticket setup | Windows printer setup.
  • That brings up the label designer with your default ticket format – Click on the ab| or Field tool.

field tool

  • Click on the ticket format where you want the ticket number to appear, a window named Field Properties will open.
  • Type in tixnum.
  • Click OK.

field properties

  • You should now be back at the label designer.
  • Click on File | Save – then File | Close.
  • Click on Print a Test Ticket to make sure everything looks correct.
  • When you’re satisfied that everything is printing correctly, click on Print tickets.

The tixnum expression should be numbering the tickets from 1 to however many seats you have in your seating plan.

  • Go to Tools | Ticket printing | Print the house.
  • On the Setup tab, choose your seating plan.
  • On the Ticket text tab, enter the information desired.
  • Click on Printer setup (bottom left of screen).
  • The Ticket printing setup window will appear.
  • Click on Windows printer setup.
  • The Label designer window will appear. Add the tixnum expression field to the ticket format, making sure the Calculation type (on the Calculate tab) is Count.
  • Save the changes you made. Close the Label designer.




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