How to create a mailing list showing customers who did NOT buy certain shows

(Last updated on: November 25, 2015)

The way to do this is to compare your entire mailing list to reports.  For each show you want to include in creating this mailing list do the following:

  • Go to Reports | by Show | Run of Show
  • Choose your show, choose DBF file, choose all records, then click on run the report.  NOTE: You may already have a file called runofshowreport, so you will need to rename it or overwrite it with this report).


  • Follow the same steps as above, but this time, append to the file named runofshowreport (see screenshot below).
  • Keep doing this until you’ve run a report for all shows you want included in it.
  • Next, go to Mailing list | Generate a list | Create a new list, making sure you click on dbf file.
  • Go to Mailing list | Utilities | Compare 2 files (subtraction).
  • Choose your mailing list dbf file in the left hand window.
  • Choose your runofshowreport.dbf in the right hand window.
  • Click on compare the files, say Yes when it asks you if this is what you want.


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