How to create a mailing list with the date a customer’s last tickets were printed

(Last updated on: October 13, 2015)

You can do this two ways.

  • Go to Reports | By day | Sales report
  1. Choose the starting and ending date.
  2. Choose DBF file as the output file type.
  3. Change the name of the output file to TixPrintedDate (or whatever name you wish).
  4. Click Run the report.
  5. You’ll see a yellow screen showing how many records were found and some options.
  6. Click Copy to a spreadsheet.
  7. You will have a mailing list with many, many columns, including one named TixPrnDate.
  8. You can delete the columns you do not want in the mailing list and save the file.


  • Go to Mailing list | Generate a mailing list | Export email
    1. Choose Spreadsheet as the output file type.
    2. Uncheck the boxes Skip records with a blank email address and Include only records that have opted in.
    3. You can select a run of a show or a single performance, or all shows/all performances on the Select by show or performance tab.
    4. You can make selections to narrow down your search on any of the tabs with the word Select on them.
    5. On the Fields to export tab, the Type of file to create on the left side of that screen will determine which fields (shown in the list on the right side of that screen) will appear on your list.
    6. Make your choice on the left side.
    7. Then, scroll down the list of fields, on the right side, until you see Mainsale.tixprndate.
    8. Place a checkmark in that box.
    9. Click on the Edit the query tab – clicking on that tab actually creates the query.
    10. Click Export list (either export list button will work).
    11. You will then have the same report as in #1, but only the columns you’ve chosen as fields will be in this report.  (You won’t have to remove unwanted columns).
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