What’s the “House Manager Alert”?

(Last updated on: October 16, 2015)

Maybe you have VIPs coming to a performance. Maybe you need to know when someone with a disability is coming so you can provide assistance. There are many reasons you might want to have a “heads up’ that someone important is coming.

  • First, you set up your alerts in Wintix, by going to File | Initialization | Mailing list tab (see screen shot below).
  • In the Notify 1, 2 and 3 fields, enter whatever you want for your ‘flags.’
  • You then will need to choose one of these options in the customer record.
    • Mailing list | Customer lookup | <Choose the customer> | Click on the Notes tab of the customer record.
    • Choose the flag that applies to that customer.  (See screen shot below.)
  • When one of the customers that you have flagged purchases a ticket, on the Finish the Sale tab, check the box labeled House manager alert.
  • You can now run a Report | By Show | Single Performance |Only house manager alert sales.
  • This allows you to see if/when someone important is scheduled to attend.

house manager alert


customer info


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